County Court, My Experience




          County Court, My Experience


I have assisted many clients in their county court cases, whether it's a claim or a defence. I have the right to represent an individual in any case where the claim is £10,000 or less. If the amount is more, I can be in court with you and coach you on what to say, or, I have Barristers at hand to represent you with reasonable fees starting at £100.00 per hour

I can represent any Limited Company for any amount claim or any action.

Judge's welcome the assistance to help them not only grasp the facts of the case, but to put over the relevant facts to assist the Judge. I had one recent case in front of a Circuit Judge who told the Barrister for the opposing side, he wanted to speak to me directly, because on the paperwork I submitted, he described me as an experienced McKenzie Friend. That was Circuit Judge Ellis at Croydon County Court. 

Unfortunately, there are a small minority of Judges who dislike people like me because I am not qualified and taking work from their associates

The most important point I would make is, I don't waffle. I stick to the core facts that support your claim or defence. I assist the Judge by giving him the core facts which matter in the case.




When cross-examining, again, I keep to the facts and evidence. The Judge has the power to limit the cross-examination if you waffle. Time is also an important factor as courts now limit that time as they are under pressure for listing cases as soon as possible.

When asking questions of the other side, I make notes of the answers, as they can weaken their case when put again later on.

When summing up at the end of the case, I refer to these answers the other side has given, which are contradictory, giving weight to the case presented.

Generally, small claims hearings are held in a room. Other claims are generally held in a court room which may be intimidating. Judges are considerate and ensure proceedings are fair and balanced.

If you require any further advice, or representation, why not contact me by

Email at Contact Us  at Small Claims London 

Or call me on 07956 486555 to assist in your case

